What is
What is Hypnotherapy ?
About Hypnosis and Hypnotherapy
Hypnosis is a very relaxing and entirely natural state that everyone enters regularly in everyday life, such as when you become engrossed in a film, book or Xbox game and the outside world ‘fades away’, or driving some familiar relaxing route and suddenly realising you’ve arrived without any real recollection of the journey.
Hypnosis is safe, natural, & free from any adverse side effects.
It is in this relaxing, enjoyable state, commonly referred to as ‘hypnosis’ that we can communicate directly with your subconscious mind, which holds the keys, not only to understanding the cause of the issue, but also to bring about the changes, resolution and healing that you desire.
Hypnotherapy is acknowledged by the Royal Society of Medicine as an effective therapy for a whole variety of issues.
Some people are a little nervous about hypnosis, which is entirely understandable, but completely unnecessary. In fact hypnosis is highly relaxing, and very empowering.
Within hypnosis you do not lose control , and you cannot get ‘stuck in hypnosis’– so in the examples above – were the doorbell to ring, or your house to catch on fire you would not remain in hypnosis – you would return to your full alert awareness easily, effortlessly and instantly. If you were driving and a dog suddenly ran out in the road, or the lights turned red, again you would return immediately to a fully alert brain wave state. Like wise you will never get stuck in a hypnotic state, you will always return to your full awareness.
Hypnosis helps to give you control, rather than taking away your control:
Hypnotic trance is a completely natural state of inward focus, similar to the experience of a flow state, with a heightened state of focus which gives your mind more control, not less. In hypnosis, you are so absorbed, you’re not worrying about anything else & the critical, chattering mind is bypassed.
We can think of the state of hypnosis, as being when the sub-conscious mind takes over , and we go into ‘automatic pilot mode’ giving the conscious mind a little break, and during this time, we can access the sub-conscious mind, where our habits, beliefs, behaviours are stored, similar to the soft-ware running our computers for certain programmes. Just as computer soft-ware gets out-dated and needs updating for optimal running of the programmes, so our minds can benefit greatly from updating and recoding some of the programmes which may have been formed when we were small children – useful at the time maybe, but frequently out-dated, irrelevant and sometimes very damaging in our current situation.
During hypnosis we become much more receptive and responsive, and this is what gives hypnotherapy such a hugely powerfully beneficial therapeutic value. During this pleasant, relaxing hypnotic state we can recode the faulty outdated unhelpful programmes, which tend to sabotage our attempts to resolve our issues, and install empowering, positive beneficial thought processes and beliefs which help to move us forward towards our desired changes and outcomes.
Rather than sabotaging yourself, you will be able to take control and make the changes in your life that you want. RTT is a very empowering process.
During hypnosis most people reach an alpha, or light trance state, and become extremely relaxed and focused, but also aware of everything that is happening around them.
Within the RTT process you will mainly be in a very light trance state, be fairly alert and probably not feel very different to normal. Most people cannot tell the difference between the hypnotised and the waking states. Don’t worry it is still effective.
During other types of hypnotherapy some people go into a deep trance state. Regardless of what state you reach during hypnosis, hypnotherapy is equally effective. The effectiveness of hypnotherapy is not related to the depth of trance.
While it’s true that the subconscious mind is more receptive and responsive during hypnosis, that doesn’t mean that your free will or moral judgment is turned off. You will not lose your control of your mind during this hypnotic state.
Hypnosis cannot be used to force you to do something against your own will. Some people say ‘you can’t hypnotise me’ which is absolutely true in the sense that your will won’t allow it to do anything it doesn’t want to do.

All hypnosis is a form of self-hypnosis and therefore pretty much anyone with normal mental functioning and hearing who wants to be hypnotised, can be hypnotised.
Some people believe that they can’t be hypnotised, and that is usually because they have got the wrong idea about what hypnosis actually is – some people think that hypnosis means being in some deep zen or zombie-like trance. Remember hypnosis can create changes even during very light trance while someone is aware of everything.