+44 (0) 75 265 00312 Support@RapidHealingTherapy.com



I want to thank and acknowledge the following people for their inspiration, support, generosity and beautiful images:

 Marisa Peer, for all her wisdom, teaching and dedication, bringing so much healing and empowerment into the world, changing the world for the better, one person at a time. 

Also the RTT Support team, for great support and positive ongoing encouragement 🙂

Hot Air Balloons represent freedom that the therapy gives you

Joel Sparks

Chronic pain and sickness

Emiliano Vittoriosi

A determined wolf focusing intently & looking Hungry for Success – which is what you need to do to Improve sports performance


Mathew Schwartz

10 steps going down – used in hypnotherapy & hypnosis – to get someone into a deeply relaxed state

Ambrose Chua

Back & arms of a very muscular male athlete or boxer doing pull-ups. Improve sports performance & become the winner using RTT

Edgar Chaparro

Oue Twi

Face of a sad child. Addictions often occur as a result of unresolved childhood issues & traumas

Sharon Mccutcheon

Determined female Gymnast jumping high in air wigh perfect pose - Sports Performance - Winning Mindset

Clem Onojeghuo

Silhouette of a man leaning on his hands in pain stress, anxiety or Addiction, out of control, in pain head & shoulders with bright turquoise background

Raj Eiamworakul

Orangey Yellow background almost like a sunset but with bubbles – complements sunsets of home photo

Lucas Benjamin

Young athletic sports man in tying up the laces of his running shoes about to start running - believe in yourself to be a winner

Alexander Redl

If you are ready to transform your life for the better

Transform your life

for the better

Using a Powerful, Multi-Awarding Winning Therapy

Rapid Transformational Therapy (RTT)

I can help give you Freedom

Quickly and Permanently

from a wide range of issues

Rapid Healing Therapy

Using A Powerful Multi-Award Winning  Therapy

I can help to give you Freedom

 Quickly and Permanently

Rapid Healing Therapy

Using A Powerful Multi-Award Winning  Therapy

I can help to give you Freedom

 Quickly and Permanently

Transform your life

for the better

Transform Your Life

Rapid Healing Therapy

Using A Powerful Multi-Award Winning  Therapy

I can help to give you Freedom

 Quickly and Permanently

Rapid Healing

Rapid Healing Therapy

Rapid Healing

Transform Your Life

Rapid Healing


Your Life

Using a Powerful, Multi-Awarding Winning Therapy

Rapid Transformational Therapy (RTT)

I can help give you Freedom

Quickly and Permanently

from a wide range of issues

Are you looking for 

Fast Permanent 

Change or Relief ?

Rapid Healing Therapy

Are you looking for 

Fast Permanent 

Change or Relief ?

Rapid Healing Therapy

Using A Powerful

 Multi-Award Winning Therapy

I can help to give you Freedom

 from a wide range of issues

Quickly and Permanently


I use a multi-award winning, powerful therapy called Rapid Transformational Therapy - RTT

What Is Rapid Transformational Therapy - RTT?

What Is Rapid Transformational Therapy - RTT?

Rapid Transformational Therapy (RTT) is a  versatile, stand-alone, fast-acting therapy, which combines the most beneficial elements of Psychotherapy, CBT, Hypnotherapy and NLP, to bring permanent, positive change and healing within 1 – 3 sessions.

Rapid Healing

Using a Powerful, Multi-Awarding Winning Therapy

I can help give you Freedom from a wide range of issues

Quickly and Permanently

If you are ready to transform your life for the better